Happy New Year Scuttlebuttscorner

5 Thoughts to “Happy New Year Scuttlebuttscorner”

  1. This is becoming our new year tradition 🙂


    ps scuttlebutt you never changed the database password after all this time

  2. The_Maze

    LMAO… this is one of them moments when you just sit back and Enjoy the view.
    Happy New Year all the best for 2017

  3. santa

    Seems the scuttlebutt blog got shut down AGAIN. Not surprised, Scuttle left his blog with a bunch of monkeys running it, who have also ruined it. The fake screen caps from monkeysniffer just don’t cut it anymore. A blog i used to enjoy for many years sank like the titanic. They can keep making new blog accounts but it’s just not the same anymore from 3 years ago before the shawnio obsession took over.

  4. ericcisarLovesdick

    Scuttlebutt blog a pedo and sexual predator haven and airport
    that centers on abuse and gang stalking,all those fat smelly unwashed
    low iq apes must be having a nervouis breakdown
    not being able to spoend their pathetic existance worshiping a fat pedo pope dwarf calles …truly scuttlebutts blog should be iflushed down the loo


    Scuttles butt is pretty fucking sad to actually let themselves get hacked. Sai le ve!

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